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Easter Color By Number Printables

Download 5 FREE Easter color by number printables with simple designs for kids.

two Easter themed color-by-number sheets for kids

Hello coloring friends!

We’re back today with more coloring activities to add to Easter activity plans for kids.

Below are five Easter color-by-number printables requiring no more than 6 colors on a single sheet. The colors you’ll want to make sure you have on hand are: pink, blue (light blue works best on these), orange, yellow, purple, red, green, gray, black, and brown.

You’ll have a mix of secular Easter and religious Easter to choose from as well, with Easter eggs, an Easter basket, marshmallow peeps and jelly beans, a cross, and Jesus’s tomb.

Happy coloring!

Terms of Use: Print as many copies as you need for your kids, your students, your after school group, campers, church group, etc. To share, please use a link to this page. Please do not sell, email, share digital copies online, or distribute them in any way for any other purpose. Thanks!

Free Printable Easter Color-By-Number Downloads

To get the free PDF, just click the purple download button beneath each image. From there, you can download the file, print, and start coloring!

Easy Easter Basket Color-By-Number

color by number printable with picture of an easter basket and a number key coloring code

Easter Candy – Bunny Peeps and Jelly Beans

color by number printable with picture of bunny peeps with jelly beans, and a number key coloring code

Easter Eggs Color-By-Number

Easter color by number with picture of eggs with patterns and a number key coloring code

Religious Easter Color-By-Number Printables

Cross at Sunrise

Religious Easter color by number sheet with picture of a cross at sunrise and a coloring key

Jesus’s Tomb with Boulder Rolled Away

religious Easter-themed color-by-number sheet with picture of a tomb with a boulder rolled away from the entrance

More Easter Printable Activities for Kids